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Bridging the Digital Divide: Donating School Equipment

Education plays a key role in shaping the futures of individuals and communities. In today's digital age, access to modern technology is crucial for students to excel in their studies and prepare for future challenges. Unfortunately, many schools around the world, including those in Serbia, lack the necessary equipment to provide students with the highest quality learning opportunities. But we took a chance to change that!

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Bridging the Digital Divide- Gathering and Donating Equipment for Schools in Serbia
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Education plays a key role in shaping the future of individuals and communities. In today's digital age, access to modern technology is crucial for students to excel in their studies and prepare for future challenges. Unfortunately, many schools around the world, including those in Serbia, lack the necessary equipment to provide students with the highest quality learning opportunities. But we took a chance to change that!

In this blog post, we will briefly present how the idea was born, and how you can join us on a quest to replace outdated equipment in Serbian schools.

How Did It All Start?

Our mission began in March 2022 when Smederevska Palanka's grammar school requested computer equipment donations.

Since we couldn't provide all the equipment ourselves, we reached out to other IT companies. With their help, we replaced 38 computers and other equipment in Smederevska Palanka's grammar school by the spring of the following year. The primary objective of this campaign was to provide students with reliable and up-to-date technology, ensuring they have the necessary tools to thrive in the world of information technologies.

The success of this initiative gave us the confidence to keep gathering equipment for various high schools across Serbia, addressing the widespread issue of outdated computers and software.

Thanks for donations
Thanks for donations

What’s Next?

Since this first endeavor was a success, here we are- organizing more donation campaigns for Serbian schools. We are aware that in an increasingly technological world, access to modern computer equipment is no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity. By organizing and supporting initiatives like this one, we can empower students and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.

How Can You Contribute?

We believe that everyone has the power to make a difference, and your contribution can help transform the lives of hundreds of students. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Contact Us Send an email to operations@fatcatcoders.com with the subject line "IT equipment - Donations." In the body of the email, include a detailed list of the items you wish to donate, along with their quantities.

  2. We’ll ping you back: After we receive your mail will send you information about the school where the equipment will be donated, the donor’s contract, and shipping instructions.

Let's bridge the digital divide in Serbia, and ensure that every student has equal opportunities to excel and thrive. Together, we can make a lasting impact and pave the way for a brighter future for all. Join us in supporting IT education in Serbia today!

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