Hire remote & vetted Ruby developers

FatCat Coders connects you only with remote, proven Ruby developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects, and more. As a hiring platform, we match top industry leaders with vetted experts proven in in-house and remote team projects.

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Hire remote Ruby developers

Choose and hire Ruby developers and engineers based on your needs and preferences.

How to Hire remote Ruby developers?

Experience our in-house-like model and hire proven Ruby developer in just 4 steps!


Tell us your requirements

Hop on a call with us and share your requirements. After the call we’ll review our talent pool to find the perfect candidate for you, ensuring a great match.


Meet your developer

Prepare your questions, because we’ll set up a call with your developer, giving you the chance to ask questions and assess their fit for your project.


Hooray! Your trial has officially kicked off

Enjoy a 30-day trial! If your chosen developer isn't the right fit, you can cancel at no charge or request a better replacement.

Focus on your project, and we handle the rest

We take care of the end-to-end administration, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters - building your product.

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Senior Ruby Developers

Need experienced Ruby leadership? FatCat Coders provides access to highly vetted senior developers with the technical skills and proven experience to drive your project to success.

Dedicated Ruby Developers

Experience the difference of dedicated Ruby development. Our experts provide focused attention, deep technical skills, and a commitment to your long-term success.

Offshore Ruby Developers

Our offshore Ruby developers offer more than just technical skills. Benefit from their expertise, cost-effectiveness, and around-the-clock availability to keep your projects moving, no matter where you are.

Remote Ruby Developers

Embrace the future of work with remote Ruby developers. Build a dynamic, distributed team that collaborates seamlessly from anywhere in the world. You'll gain access to top-tier expertise, increased flexibility, and improved project outcomes.

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How can we help you?

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The cost of hiring a Ruby developer varies based on their experience, location, and the complexity of the work required. For hourly rates, developers typically charge between $50 and $150. Junior developers or those based in regions with lower costs of living, such as Eastern Europe or South Asia, tend to charge on the lower end, while senior developers or specialists in Ruby on Rails may command rates at the higher end of the spectrum.

If you're considering a full-time hire, annual salaries for Ruby developers generally range from $70,000 to $140,000. Developers in tech hubs like the United States or Western Europe usually earn more compared to those in regions with a lower cost of living. Additionally, remote work has made it possible to hire skilled developers from around the world, allowing businesses to manage costs without compromising on quality.

For project-based hiring, costs depend on the size and scope of the project. Smaller, straightforward applications might cost a few thousand dollars, while complex, large-scale projects requiring extensive development can run into the tens or even hundreds of thousands. Clearly defining your project needs and timeline will help you budget effectively and find the right Ruby developer to deliver high-quality results.

Hiring a Ruby developer involves several key steps to ensure you find the right fit for your project. Start by defining your project’s requirements, including the specific skills needed, such as Ruby on Rails expertise, API integration, or database management. Determine whether you need a full-time, part-time, or freelance developer, and establish a clear budget and timeline for the work.

Next, source candidates through trusted platforms like job boards, freelancing websites, or developer networks. You can also work with specialized recruitment agencies to streamline the process. Look for developers with a strong portfolio, relevant experience, and positive client reviews.

During the interview process, candidates for both technical and soft skills will be assessed. Include a technical assessment or coding challenge to evaluate their proficiency in Ruby and related technologies. Additionally, focus on their communication skills and ability to work collaboratively, especially if they’ll be part of a larger team.

Once you’ve identified the right developer, ensure a smooth onboarding process by clearly outlining project goals, tools, and expectations. Regular check-ins and open communication will help ensure the developer stays aligned with your vision and delivers high-quality results.

The demand for Ruby developers remains steady, particularly for those proficient in Ruby on Rails, which is widely used for web application development. While newer technologies and frameworks have emerged, Ruby continues to be a popular choice for startups and established businesses seeking rapid development cycles and scalability. Companies in industries like e-commerce, SaaS, and fintech often rely on Ruby developers for their robust and efficient backend solutions.

Despite competition from languages like Python and JavaScript, the niche expertise of Ruby developers ensures consistent demand, especially in regions with a strong tech startup ecosystem. Additionally, businesses maintaining legacy applications built in Ruby further contribute to the ongoing need for skilled professionals in this field.

Why wait? Hire Ruby developers now!

Our work-proven Ruby developers are ready to join your remote team today. Choose the one that fits your needs and start a 30-day trial.

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