Empowering Calendly with top-quality engineers

We assist Calendly in achieving their business goals faster, by extending their team with skilled IT engineers!

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Calendly is the leader in automated meeting scheduling.

Our collaboration started through a referral in 2020, evolving into an ongoing partnership with a growing number of skilled IT professionals joining their team.

Why did Calendly choose FatCat Coders?

Calendly engaged developers through FatCat Coders because they needed quality engineers who could seamlessly integrate with their existing team. We were able to deliver just that, and to do it fast.

Photo of Ty Collins - Former Head of Marketing @ Calendly

Ty Collins

Former Head of Marketing @ Calendly

Calendly logo
“FatCat Coders is a highly skilled, highly-capable group of thinkers, strategists, and workers. You improve all the time, and I can see it. I would consider you more than engineers or designers, you bring strategy, and I appreciate it.”
Testimonial stars

FatCat Coders Contribution to Calendly

Skilled and proven professionals

An essential component in our enduring partnership is the quality of our team’s output.

Our team consistently earns #Kudos and achieve "outstanding" performance ratings.

Photo of Nemanja

#Kudos for Nemanja

Technical Project Lead

Nemanja is very good at determining solutions for our problems. We really appreciate his helpfulness and going above and beyond what we ask. Thanks, Nemanja!

-Calendly's manager


Fast and reliable delivery times

One of the core values our team brings to Calendly is the speed of our developers, who work swiftly to meet deadlines. Additionally, our team performs with consistency and reliability throughout the process, delivering exactly what was promised.

And what's the outcome? A work output that not only exceeds expectations in timely delivery but also guarantees a smooth operation of Calendly, allowing for hassle-free processes.

Flawless integration with Calendly’s existing team

It was important for Calendly to have a fully integrated team that upholds in-house work quality.

By making significant and valuable contributions and exceeding management's expectations, our team seamlessly fit right into Calendly's existing team.

Easy team scaling whenever needed

By being able to swiftly scale their team whenever needed, we became Calendly's go-to tech partner for team scaling.

Starting with just one developer, our partnership grew to include a team of 10+ IT experts across various Calendly teams.

...and all of that led to earning Calendly’s trust & becoming a part of their core team

Dedication to delivering solutions efficiently, and proactivity of our team members did't just lead to a long-term partnership; it also gave us the opportunity to join the Calendly core app team, and it's a significant milestone in our journey.


What Calendly got from FatCat Coders’ Service

The main benefit for Calendly is saving time and money by simplifying the process of scaling teams with quality IT professionals.

Meeting deadlines

Empowered to work independently, FatCats facilitated swift and agile changes to Calendly's product, ensuring faster delivery times.

High-performing team

Calendly got reinforcement with FatCat’s team members who always win the highest scores in performance reviews.

Easy team scaling

No matter if they need short-term boost or long-term team extension, they can count on us to provide the experts as quickly as needed.

Want to extend your team with quality IT experts?

Start Hiring!