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The 5 Essential Working Tools for Managing Time Zone Differences [+ Pro Tips]

We share with you how to optimize international work with the top five tools for managing remote developers and staff.

Arslan Dučić

Staff Augmentation
We share how to optimize international work with the top five tools for managing remote developers and staff.
Staff Augmentation

Managing remote developers across time zones can feel like juggling butterflies. 

I know this because I've been in the same situation myself. Know that you are not alone in the world. Almost no problem exists without a solution. You reach a breaking point before grasping the correct application method.

But don't worry! There's no need for you to hit rock bottom. Read this article attentively, grasping the intent behind every step taken.

My name is Arslan Dučić, and I am a Product Manager at FatCat Coders, working on both internal and external,l regional and international projects. I have been active in the project and product management niche since 2018, and these five easy-to-apply tools are from firsthand experience.

Let’s go! Here is a short overview: 

  1. Establish core working hours with World Time Buddy

  2. Communicate asynchronously with Slack

  3. Plan with Google Calendar

  4. Record meetings with Google Meet or Zoom

  5. Use project management tools like Jira

If you need a proven team to help develop your product, check out our software development services or hire one of our vetted developers today.

Understanding Time Zone Challenges in Remote Staff 

Working with a remote staff that spans various time zones can present a range of obstacles. Finding suitable meeting times that accommodate everyone's availability can be difficult.

I know this very well, and communication is truly the key. You don't want your business, design, and remote development staff to create three different projects while working on the same one. (Yes, that happens).

Miscommunication can happen when team members are available at different times. This leads to delays in making decisions and in project progress. Also, scheduling and communicating efficiently can get complex. This happens without the right remote working tools and strategies.

However, cultural differences play a big role. They can make the challenges worse for team members working across time zones. Work styles, communication norms, and conflict resolution approaches vary. These differences can cause misunderstandings and challenge collaboration in remote work.

The essential remote working tools for international teams.
The essential remote working tools for international teams.

Team leaders must promote cultural awareness. They must foster an inclusive International working environment to address these issues.

Oh, and before I forget to mention, you, the one reading this article, are often in the role of that team leader.

Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction can hurt team dynamics and togetherness in your remote team. 

Building trust and rapport among team members is harder when they're far apart. Using virtual team-building and regular check-ins can strengthen relationships. They also maintain a sense of unity within the team, despite being far apart.

And just so you know, nothing happens overnight. Every team goes through four stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. You might be in the first of these four stages, as most teams tend to stay there.

Looking for a vetted and well-established team that can jump into your project at any of the four mentioned stages? 

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Leveraging technology for time zone coordination

Technology plays a vital role in time zone coordination within remote teams. Teams can use remote working tools designed for managing time zones. This can greatly streamline their communication and collaboration.

Remote teams can use technology to bridge the gap caused by time zones. They can work together seamlessly, regardless of distance. 

They use apps to convert time zones and platforms for project management.

Make time zones your benefit using apps, core working hours, and agile management.
Make time zones your benefit using apps, core working hours, and agile management.

1. Establish core working hours with the World Time Buddy 

One effective way to manage time zone differences within a remote staff is to establish core working hours. 

This allows team members to have dedicated overlap time for real-time collaboration. To make this process easier, the World Time Buddy app can be a valuable remote working tool. 

This app allows you to enter the time zones of team members and find the best time slots for overlap. Setting core working hours helps team members plan their schedules. They can then focus on tasks accordingly. This ensures higher productivity and better teamwork.

Also, the World Time Buddy app has more features. For example, it can set up many groups with different team members. 

This is particularly useful for companies with global teams working across various projects. By creating separate groups for each project or team, managers can see the overlapping hours easily. 

They can then avoid scheduling conflicts. The app also sends notifications for meetings or events. It's them that help team members stay organized and on track.

The app has an easy interface. You can customize it. It makes it easy to coordinate schedules across time zones. It promotes better communication and collaboration among remote teams.

Time tracking?

At FatCat Coders, we also use sophisticated apps like Insightful to tackle time zone and remote work challenges. These tools offer creative solutions that help our team stay highly productive.

2. Communicate asynchronously when needed with Slack

Asynchronous communication is crucial in remote teams. This is especially true when time zone differences hinder real-time collaboration. Slack is a popular remote communication tool for team communication.

Why is asynchronous communication of great importance?
Why is asynchronous communication of great importance?
We've mastered asynchronous communication through long-term collaboration with top brands like Calendly. Need help? Check our services or hire a developer today.

Tools like Slack enable team members to talk and share information well. With Slack, team members can send messages, share files, and collaborate on projects at their convenience. 

Remote teams can embrace asynchronous communication. It reduces the need for real-time availability and fosters continuous collaboration. This works regardless of time zone differences.

Moreover, Slack offers a variety of features that enhance team communication. For instance, users can create different channels for specific topics or projects. This allows for organized discussions and easy information retrieval. 

Additionally, Slack integrates with many other apps and services. This allows for seamless workflow management on the platform. This integration capability streamlines processes. It centralizes information. This makes collaboration and onboarding easier for remote teams.

Also, Slack provides a sense of community and connection among team members. It does this through features like emojis, reactions, and status updates. 

These elements add a personal touch to conversations. They help build camaraderie within the team, despite physical distance. 

By using these features, remote teams can keep a strong sense of unity and cohesion, from the moment of their hiring. They foster an International working environment that is engaging.

3. Planning Ahead with Google Calendar

Planning ahead is essential when managing time zone differences. Google Calendar is a powerful tool that allows team members to schedule and coordinate meetings, events, and deadlines. You can use Google Calendar to make shared calendars. You can invite team members to events and set up notifications.

Optimize the use of the calendar and scheduling while planning ahead.
Optimize the use of the calendar and scheduling while planning ahead.
Want a team that's versatile and ready to jump in at any phase of your software product development? Check us out!

This helps everyone know about upcoming commitments. By using Google Calendar, remote teams can avoid scheduling conflicts. They can stay organized, even across different time zones.

Google Calendar merges perfectly with other Google Workspace applications. It connects with Gmail and Google Meet.

This integration lets users turn emails into calendar events. They can also join video meetings from calendar invites. Teams can streamline their workflow. 

They can do this by centralizing their communication and collaboration tools in Google Calendar. This will also enhance their productivity.

Also, Google Calendar provides useful analytics and reports. They help teams track their time and spot patterns in their schedules. 

Teams can analyze this data. They can use it to optimize their time management and improve efficiency. Teams can use Google Calendar's analytics to see time allocation and productivity trends. This helps them make informed decisions and rank tasks.

4. Record meetings when possible with Google Meets or Zoom

When leading remote meetings, recording them is very helpful. This is especially true when not all members can attend in real time due to time zone differences. Tools like Google Meets or Zoom offer the ability to record meetings, ensuring that those unable to attend can catch up later. 

These recordings can be valuable references. They allow team members to review discussions and stay updated. This is true, no matter their time zone.

5. Use project management tools like Jira

Good project management is essential for remote teams. This is especially true when time zones matter. Jira is a popular choice for managing projects. It provides a complete platform for tracking tasks, collaborating, and monitoring progress. 

With Jira, team members can assign and focus on tasks, set deadlines, and keep track of project milestones. Remote teams can use Jira to streamline their work and ensure progress. This is true even if they are in different time zones.

Establishing clear communication protocols across time zones

Clear communication protocols are key to overcoming time zone challenges in remote teams. Team members should set guidelines and expectations. They should cover response times, preferred channels, and escalation for urgent matters. Teams define these protocols. They ensure that all team members know them and follow them. 

Doing this can help remote teams reduce miscommunication. It's a move that promotes effective collaboration across time zones.

Overview of 5 Essential Types of Working Tools:
  1. Time Optimization: Work Buddy, Insightful

  2. Asynchronous Communication: Slack

  3. Scheduling and Planning: Google Calendar

  4. Optimal Meeting Documentation: Google Meet or Zoom

  5. Project Management: Jira

And if you're looking for a team that's versatile in all of these tools and more, be sure to check out our services or choose the developers you want to hire via our platform.

! Pro Tips for Synchronizing Schedules in Remote Teams

When managing time zone differences in remote teams, consider the following pro tips:

  1. Consider many overlapping time slots. Find at least two time slots each day. During these times, team members from different time zones can collaborate in real time. Of course, this won't always be possible, but it provides additional flexibility when it is.

  2. Use calendar blocking. It reserves time for focused work and reduces scheduling conflicts.

  3. Encourage flexibility. Foster a flexible culture in the team. This lets team members adjust their schedules when needed. At the very beginning of my career, I thought this shouldn't be allowed, but I was wrong. Don't make the same mistake.

  4. Use visual time zone indicators. Add them to shared calendars or project remote working tool. They will make time zones visible and avoid confusion. Bonus points for you who link the calendar with the remote working tool you use to schedule annual leave, and this way, you and your team will have a complete overview of all employee absences.

  5. Provide regular time zone updates. Make sure team members know about time zone changes. Also, tell them about daylight saving time. Tell them about other things that may impact scheduling. I have a client who never uses a calendar, and every year, they arrive an hour early for our meetings when there's a regular time zone update. Don't let this happen to you.


Time zone differences shouldn't hurt remote team productivity and collaboration. Remote teams can manage time zone challenges and ensure smooth communication using five remote working tools. 

They can do this by being proactive. Remote teams can turn time zone differences into an advantage. They do this by valuing efficient time zone management and using technology. This shift lets them foster a thriving virtual workspace, not one with problems.

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