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Mobile, Web, and Desktop Development | FatCat Coders

Mobile, Web, and Desktop: FatCat Product™ Development

Need a product development service that brings your ideas to life or supports your project midway through?

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Boosting JavaScript Development with AI- Our Experience

Boosting JavaScript Development with AI: Our Experience

Learn from our experience how to integrate AI tools into your daily React, React Native, or Node development

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Darko Simić

Gatsby to Next.js Migration- Chat With Our Tech Lead

Gatsby to Next.js Migration: Chat With Our Tech Lead

Check valuable insights from our Tech Lead, Luka, about the recent shifts in Gatsby, and the necessity for alternative frameworks, such as Next.js.

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Luka Patarčić

How our developers learned react native - Featured Image

How our developers learned React Native

We’d just received a great offer from a big new client! Exciting news, but the client was new, and there were some technologies that our programmers hadn’t yet mastered. The next step was to find the best way to educate our developers. Feeling that a mixture of fun and games was the best way forward, we came up with a React Native Programming Challenge. In this post, you’ll discover how we organized the learning process, what we got from it, and why we recommend that you try this method within your own strategy for learning.

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Runtime Challenge- Bun vs Node.js

Runtime Challenge: Bun vs Node.js

Explore the fundamental details of a new introduction that challenges the role of Node.js: Bun Runtime.

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“React 19” so far: Actions, Compiler & Canary?

“React 19” so far: Actions, Compiler & Canary?

Excitement is building in the development community for the upcoming release of React 19. From Reddit to forums and Discord channels, anticipation is high. However, the exact details of the new features remain speculative. Let's take a closer look.

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